Perfect Pumpkin Pie
Perfect Pumpkin Pie
Pie Crust
- ⅔ cup room temperature butter (150g)
- ¼ cup sugar (50g)
- 1 large egg yolk
- 1¾ cup all-purpose flour
Pie Filling
- 2 cups roasted orange pie pumpkin or Kabocha pumpkin (450g)
- 1½ cup sweetened condensed milk (375ml)
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice (2.5g)
- 1 tsp cinnamon (2.5g)
Pumpkin Cream
- ⅔ cup Kabocha pumpkin(buttercup squash) purée (150g)
- heavy cream 100ml
- 2 tsp butter (10g)
- 2 tbsp sugar (30g)
- 1 tbsp rum (optional) (15ml)
- 1 pinch salt
Whipping Cream
- 1½ cup heavy cream (375ml)
- ⅓ cup sugar (70g)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) (5ml)
- Prepare pumpkins to roast in the oven. Cut pumpkins in half, then take all the seeds out. Put them in the oven at 400F/200C for 30 minutes or, whatever time until it is soft.
Making the Crust
- Next, make the crust while waiting for the pumpkins to be roasted. Combine room temperature butter ⅔ cup (150g) and sugar ¼ cup (50g). Add 1 large egg yolk. Mix it well and when the mixture is combined well, add flour 1 ¾ cup. When it becomes flakey, use your hand to knit the dough. Wrap the dough in saran wrap and let it rest in the fridge for about an hour.
- When roasted pumpkin is cooled off enough to touch, we can start making the pie filling. Scoop 2 cups (450g) of the roasted pumpkin. Add sweetened condensed milk 1 ½ cup (375ml), 2 large eggs, *pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp (2.5g), cinnamon 1 tsp (2.5g), and a pinch of salt. Use a food processor, a margin hand blender or a blender to combine all the ingredients until the texture is smooth.
- Next, roll the dough for the crust. Take it out from the fridge and roll the dough big enough to cover the pie dish you have. I used a 9 inch (23cm) dish. After placing the dough over the dish, cut the extra dough around the edge.
- Use a fork to make dimples. Don’t poke through it. It will prevent the pie crust from bubbling up.
- Place the crust in the oven at 360F/180C for 15 minutes. This process will give you the perfect texture for your crust.
- After the crust is baked, then pour the pumpkin filling into the dish.
- Bake the pie at 360F/180C for 40 minutes or poke a toothpick in and if it comes out clean.
- Afterward, we can make the pumpkin cream. Scoop the Kabocha pumpkin(buttercup squash) and make ⅔ cup (150g) pumpkin purée. In the sauce pan, mix the pumpkin purée, heavy cream 100ml, butter 2 tsp (10g), and sugar 2 Tbsp (30g). Cook in low heat for about 15 minutes until the mixture becomes creamy and thick. Add rum 1 Tbsp (15ml) if you prefer at the end. Let the cream cool off for a while, until it’s room temperature.
- During the time that the mixture is cooling, we can make some whipping cream. Whip heavy cream 1 ½ cup, sugar ⅓ cup, and vanilla extract 1 tsp together.
- Place the whipped cream into a pastry/piping bag, decorate the pumpkin pie in swirls with the whipped cream. It should form a little hill. Make sure the pumpkin pie is cooled before you start decorating.
- After that, with another pastry bag, put a multihole tip inside, and then pour the cooled pumpkin cream. Using swirling motions, decorate the pie, it should be decorated overtop of the whipped cream.
- For the last step, sprinkle some confectioners sugar on the top, enjoy! Delicious!!
Additional Bonus: Translated recipe in Japanese is available below.
✅室温に戻したバター 150g
✅砂糖 50g
✅卵黄 1つ
✅小麦粉 225g
✅オーブンで焼いたかぼちゃ 450g
✅練乳 375ml
✅卵 2つ
✅シナモン 2.5g
✅ナツメグ 2.5g
✅塩 少々
✅裏ごししたオーブンで焼いたかぼちゃ 150g
✅生クリーム 100ml
✅バター 10g
✅砂糖 30g
✅ラム酒(オプション) 15ml
✅生クリーム 375ml
✅砂糖 70g
1. まずはかぼちゃの準備。
2. 次にタルトの生地を作ります。
3. 次にかぼちゃフィリングを作ります。
4. タルトの生地を冷蔵庫からだして、めんぼうで伸ばします。私の型は23cmです。全体がカバーされる大きさに伸ばします。型にかぶせた後、指で生地を押さえ込み、余分の部分は切る取ります。
5. 生地をタルトの型にしいた後、底にフォークを刺して空気穴を開けます。
6. オーブンに生地の型を入れて180度で15分焼きます。こうする事で生地がよりサクサクになります。
7. 生地が焼けたらかぼちゃフィリングを型に流し込みます。
8. かぼちゃタルトを180度で40分焼きます。爪楊枝を刺して、串に何もついてこなければ焼き上がり。
9. 次にかぼちゃクリームを作ります。
10. 次にホイップクリームを作ります。
11. かぼちゃタルトが冷めてるのを確かめて、ホイップクリームをのせて飾り付けを始めます。ホイップクリームは山型にパレットナイフで整えます。
12. 次に室温に冷めたかぼちゃクリームを飾ります。絞り袋の先はモンブラン用の穴が何個もあいている口金を使います。グルグル山の頂上から回しながら飾ります。
13. 最後にお好みで粉砂糖を振りかけたり、かぼちゃのタネを飾り付けたりして出来上がりです。
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